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Visitor Analytics Review - easy and intuitive way to analyze website performance

written by

Katarzyna Kurzawska

Content Writer

Content Writer, writing for TimeCamp,, SoftwareSupp.

According to statistics, the average revenue for a small business is $3.6 million, but the average revenue for a small business with a website is $5.03 million. But there's more to it. Having a well-built and well-functioning website expands business' exposure on the market and helps to attract more clients, partners or stakeholders.

The more visible your brand is to people, the better. It's hard to find an entrepreneur or a company who doesn't have a website. Online presence boosts chances for reaching out to more people. Sometimes it's the only way for them to find you. If you're not accessible online, it's as if you didn't exist. Just think about it for a minute; if you're operating your business in the US but want to expand your activity to Europe, what's the best way to inform people about your services or product? It's to have a website that will allow you to reach out to clients even in the most remote parts of Europe.

But having a website doesn't mean that from now on you're going to be successful and your business will only grow. The secret to a successful website lies in analytics. While your products or services (and website) may be superb, you need a deeper insight into your website performance; why, how, when, how often, and where are the questions you should know answers to. And the only way to find these answers is to perform website analytics.

You hate statistics, graphs, and aren't good with numbers? I've got good news! There's a way to get past it with Visitor Analytics.

The content:

  • What is Visitor Analytics
  • Launching your website's analytics
  • Dashboard
  • Features/data
  • Visitors
  • Pages
  • Devices
  • Campaigns
  • Settings
  • Support
  • Use cases
  • Visitor Analytics vs Google Analytics?
  • Final Thoughts

Visitor Analytics - what it is and how to use it

Visitor Analytics was launched in 2016 and had been developing ever since. It was created to make life easier for people who don't feel confident with tools such as Google Analytics and find them too complicated. It's an easy-to-use alternative best for "non-technical people." In fact, it doesn't matter if you're an IT expert, beginner or a non-technical person, Visitor Analytics can be helpful to anyone.

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What is Visitor Analytics

Whether you're starting your adventure with analyzing website performance or are a veteran with lots of experience in handling this type of data, it doesn't matter. It's also not important which industry you work in and what your website presents. Visitor Analytics can help you analyze its performance at every level.How exactly does Visitor Analytics work and what does it offer? What makes it so effortless in use? Let's find out!

Launching your websites' analytics step by step

Registering for Visitor Analytics is easy - you type your email, password, name, and name of your business/organization. You confirm the registration and voilà! you're ready to go. Then, you need to add your website's URL. Otherwise, you won't be able to get any data on your website's performance. Even if you still are afraid that you'll get lost in all the information about your website, Visitor Analytics ensures you will not by sending you via email tricks on how to read and understand any analytics tool.

The next step you're encouraged to do is to set your preferences in your account settings where you can manage and update your account information - name, passwords, websites you want to add to be analyzed, and billing information.

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Visitor Analytics code installation

Also, Visitor Analytics is available in 19 languages including English, Spanish, Russian, French, German, Chinese, and others. That's a helpful addition for people who are not only non-tech-savvy but also are not good with English which is usually the primary language for most of the tools.

Additionally, for the next 30 days, you get access to all the Visitor Analytics features. And if you're not sure which plan is best for you, it's a good idea to keep using the trial version. You can always upgrade and change plans based on your website performance and features you need.

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Visitor Analytics pricing

It's also essential that you add your tracking code to your website, meaning - you have to install Visitor Analytics on your website. You won't be able to analyze website performance without it. You can do it on such platforms as, Wix, WordPress, Weebly, Blogger, GoDaddy, Shopify, Google Sites, Jimdo, Joomla, BigCommerce, Squarespace, Tumblr Typo3, Volusion, and Yola.But that's a quick and easy step, and you can find out how to do that in the Help Center, where you can also find other helpful information and guidelines.These are the very basics. Now that you have your account set up, you can start analyzing website performance.

Dashboard - brief insight into analytics

The main view of Visitor Analytics is the dashboard with an overview of all the data. You can see all the website statistics in one place. Everything is transparent and easily accessible. Here's what you can see in the overview:

1. Visitors

2. Unique visitors

3. Page Visits

4. Bounce rate

5. Conversions

6. Live visitors (with a map)

7. Top Starting Pages

8. Latest visitors

9. Visitors by country (with a map)

10. Top referrers

11. Top Visited Pages

12. Operating systems

13. Browsers

14. Display resolutions

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Visitor Analytics dashboard

It literary has everything you might need when it comes to statistics and analyzing your website performance. Additionally, every section has an explanation of what it is for and what data it presents. You can find it under the little ⓘ symbol in the right top corner, which can quickly and easily help you understand what each section is for. I find it extremely convenient as it helped me understand what I'm looking at.You can choose the date for which you want the tool to display statistics, ranging from Today, Last 7 days, Last 4 weeks or customize it.

The very cool and helpful thing is colors. They make it easier to analyze the stats as they show the drop (red) or rise (green) in Visitors, Unique Visitors, Page visits, Bounce rate, and Conversions. Since these are the main and usually the most crucial information, you can quickly and easily visualize it. That's the main trigger which helps you assess whether you need to take action and work on your website or leave it as it is.You can get more details for all the 14 sections by clicking "See more" button located at the bottom of each. That shows you more details in a new window.

Detailed statistics to help you understand visitors

If you want to uncover even more secrets about your website's performance, you can go to the panel which you can see on the left. There are 7 sections - Overview (which I already discussed), Visitors, Pages, Devices, Campaigns, Settings, Support. Let's check the rest of them and see what they can tell you about your visitors and your website's performance. They're extensions of what you can see in the Overview.

Visitors - get to know who and how visits your website

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Visitor Analytics visitors

Here you can see everything about your visitors and find out who's visiting your website, when, and from where.

Latest visitors shows the number of people that visited your website within the date range. Here's what data Visitor Analytics provides you with:

  • Visitor location
  • IP
  • Status (You can if it's returning visitor, Conversion Visitor, New Visitor, etc.)
  • Device
  • OS (operating system)
  • Browser
  • Visited Pages
  • Time

Visitor Analytics keeps for you the history of all visitors so if you have a returning visitor; you can check their history to have even more information about them. And that includes their location, sites they visited on your website (was it main page, blog or maybe landing page?), devices, etc.

You can also export your visitors' data or visits history within the given time range as CSV or XLSX.

Then there's the Map for you to see the approximate location of visitors. (It's an inexact distance, and you won't be able to identify anyone). Traffic charts in Visitors section allow you to check all your visitors and page loads per month, weekdays and even hours.

With this feature, you know when exactly people come to your website, what are the most common hours and days for them to spend time on the site. This data is presented in the form of simple and clear graphs.

Location is another section where you can see transparent graphs depicting data on visitors locations - country and city.

Pages - discover the popularity of each site

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Visitor Analytics pages

Visitor Analytics records every visit on pages. And that's what you can see in this section. It has 4 subdivisions:

  • Page visits - show you how many times your pages have been visited
  • Landing Pages - show what are the pages visitors first see on your website
  • Conversions - show the success of conversion pages
  • Referring sites - domains that redirected traffic (visitors) to your website

All that data is transparent, and you don't need any special skills to understand it. It's enough that you just take a look at it to draw valid conclusions. It's especially useful if you partner with other people, for example, influencers or professional organizations, since you can see how much traffic they bring to your website.Thanks to that section you can understand which pages are visited from each referral.

Devices - to optimize website

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Visitor Analytics devices

Here you can see the number of visitors based on their operating system, browser or display resolution.The display resolution statistics can be particularly helpful for website designers. It's easier for them to understand users and create a user-friendly website with better responsiveness.

Campaigns - understand and improve traffic

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Visitor Analytics campaigns

If you're running URL campaigns, this section should be of interest to you. You have to know whether your campaigns are successful and bring you traffic or go unnoticed. Visitor Analytics can help you improve campaigns and learn your lesson from the data to build better campaigns.

The Overview in this section already contains valuable information:

  • Campaign's Visitors
  • Sources
  • Medium
  • Top Campaign Terms
  • Top Performing Campaigns
  • Campaign Content
  • Latest Campaigns' Visitors
  • Visitors by Country

In Campaign visitors, you can access all the data about visitors coming to your website from campaigns in the form of a table. And the table also has some interesting info - Visitor location, Source, Status, Medium, Name, Term, Visited pages, Time.

Let's say you're sending a weekly newsletter with multiple links. Campaigns help you determine which of the links lead your visitors to a particular page on your website.And so for every campaign with UTM (Urchin Tracking Module), you get all the information you need. The analytics software gathers the data and gives you the power to understand the traffic.

My campaigns section gives you the view of all your campaigns in one place.And for those who like charts, there are Campaigns' charts showing various kinds of traffic on different days and even hours.So this section allows you to understand visitors' behavior. If they're regular visitors, you can analyze their history for even more information. Even though Visitor Analytics may be for non-tech people, with all that information, you might fell like a tech expert.

Moreover, if you need to learn how to build successful URL campaign, Visitor Analytics gives you a comprehensive tutorial.

Settings - personalization and data protection

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Visitor Analytics settings

If you're worried about the data protection, you shouldn't be. Although such tools as Visitor Analytics gather valuable information, there's no chance that by using the app you will infringe any laws concerning data protection. Since the introduction of GDPR, data has become a sensitive subject and to be able to legally operate your business, you have to obey the legal rules. That includes using tools which track visitors' activity on your website.In Settings, you can access Data Protection Settings which allows you to easily view and sign the Data Processing Agreement without leaving your home or office. That's a painless and quick way to take care of data privacy and security.And there's more what you can do in this section:

  • Anonymize visitors' IPs so that they're not stored
  • Ignore visits from a specific browser
  • Ignore visits from a specific IP address or from classes of IPs
  • Change time zone and website settings
  • Set Communication Preferences - how often you want to receive email reports, whether you want to receive tailored Tips & tricks on improving your website performance and Visitor Analytics usage, and if you want to receive special offers from Visitor Analytics
  • Delete all data permanently

Note: If you're wondering if Visitor Analytics does cross-tracking, they don't, unlike Google, for example. Hence, the possibility to obtain an IP address of your website visitors. But if your country, organization or privacy policy does not allow obtaining and storing the IP, you have the full control of data and can manage it as you need.


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Visitor Analytics support

If you find it problematic or challenging to use Visitor Analytics, you can always contact them or use their Help Center. It's also a good idea to request for a demo if you have no idea about analyzing this type of data. When I took the tour on Visitor Analytics, I was accompanied by fantastic Corina who showed me the software step by step. :)

How can Visitor Analytics help your business - use cases

Visitor Analytics is friendly and easy-to-use. However, don't get deceived by its simplicity. It's a factory of valuable information which can help you grow your business. This is how you can benefit from implementing the tool:

  1. Visitor Analytics can help you find out which day and hour is best for publishing content. Especially, if you're using that content as part of your marketing campaign and its goal is to attract more customers. It'll help you reach out to more people. It's particularly beneficial if you have a specific funnel for campaigns.
  2. The map feature is helpful in localization. You can analyze how many people from all over the world visit your website - which products and pages are most popular - and create a campaign/product/service based on visitors' geolocation to better target specific groups of customers.
  3. Traffic charts and page visits are helpful in understanding your visitors' behavior and optimizing your website. What's useful here is the ability to see which devices, operating systems, and browsers people use. Thanks to this you can create a better experience for people visiting your website, for example, work on design, layout or even CTA buttons.

Visitor Analytics or Google Analytics?

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Visitor Analytics overview

Now that is the question! Both tools are undeniably powerful. While Google Analytics provides meticulous data with all its graphs and numbers, I don't think Visitor Analytics is any worse.If you want to get a general oversight on your website's performance, you should definitely choose Visitor Analytics. But if you need extra detailed data divided into as many categories as possible, I'd go for Google Analytics. Also, it might be better for people who work with optimizing websites, campaigns, and content on a daily basis.Otherwise, implementing such a complex tool as Google Analytics may bring more confusion than resolve doubts. What's more, you can think about Visitor Analytics as an introduction to more advanced apps and use it to learn how analytics work.

Final Thoughts

I think Visitor Analytics is great software. And no matter how hard I keep looking for drawbacks, I can't find any. I personally find the tool intuitive, effective, and helpful. Not only does it help to understand visitors' behavior but also optimize a website, personalize products, and learn what to do to permeate the Internet so that more people can find you.

However, this software may not be best for large companies who have complex websites. I think it's best for small businesses, startups, and freelancers.But there's more to come and if Visitor Analytics keeps evolving, it might even become better than Google Analytics. Here's what you can expect in the nearest future:

  • Nicely designed PDF reports for agencies
  • WordPress plugin for an easier install on WP websites (Even though the app can be installed on any type of website)
  • Session recordings
  • And some other small tweaks and features

To give you the final overview, here are the most important features:

  • Easily view your website stats in beautiful charts & graphs
  • Check your visitors’ behavior and history on the website
  • Geo-locate your traffic
  • View all your traffic peaks and details per month, day and hours
  • Know everything about the performance of your pages: traffic, conversions, referrals, where did your visitors land first, etc.
  • Check your visitors’ device, browsers, and resolutions
  • Get a complete overview of your URL campaigns: know your visitors, campaigns’ performance and all the UTMs
  • Compliance with GDPR
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written by

Katarzyna Kurzawska

Content Writer

Content Writer, writing for TimeCamp,, SoftwareSupp.

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