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Creating the Marketing and Sales Technology Hub

written by

Patrick Cieśluk

Web Developer​,​ Marketing and Process Automation Freelancer at SoftwareSupport

For decades I step with information technology seeing the future of automatization and innovation. I have over 20 years of experience in Web Development​,​ Marketing​,​ Systems Integrations​,​ Business Processes Automation. From small one-person companies to big enterprises.

Time of the project: 6 months


  • Setting up and configuring a Pipedrive account, along with qualifying and labeling leads
  • Configuring and optimizing marketing and sales funnels
  • Creating a user-friendly technology hub with several sales and marketing tools
  • Integrating tools for conversion tracking and ensuring consistency of all customer communication

Effect: A successful integration of Pipedrive with sales and marketing tools. Efficiently and transparently manage incoming leads and convert them into Won cases.

The SoftwareSupp expert was hired to improve the management of incoming leads and converting them into Won cases. Due to the wide range of services, we had to take a comprehensive approach to build a customer and lead data management center. 

Problems to solve

The client needed a brand-new sales process for triaging new claim leads. Leads could come from various sources, such as emails, direct messages from Facebook, or website forms. Then, they were loaded into the Legal Case & Practice Management software, that's Eclipse Proclaim CMS. What's more, every new claim required proper documentation of the damage level and a few other criteria to be viable. 

The issue was that Proclaim didn't handle the initial triage process well. Some data was missed and scattered. As leads came from several communication channels, it was challenging to keep the information under control, avoid duplicates, and manage them properly. Also, it wasn't easy to work with third-party, external companies, or triagers and keep the information coherent. So, the client was looking for a CRM or lead management system to ensure consistency.

But this raised a new problem. Since the client wanted to implement new CRM software, we needed to design a way to integrate it with the existing CMS. It was all about how Won cases are pulled from the CRM and are imported into the CMS, including data, documents, images, etc. The new way of obtaining and bringing new claim leads into the CRM needed to be simple. 

Our client missed a few features in the CMS, such as:

  • Signing documents online.
  • Conducting webchats with customers.
  • Easily uploading images by customers and linking them to a particular sales opportunity.
  • Allowing third-party (for example, triagers or surveyors) access to view images provided by customers. 

Besides, all communication, such as CRM records, documentation, emails, and other texts, had to be branded.

So, the SoftwareSupp expert had to bring in new software solutions and make all the information consistent. This allows marketing and sales to find all the details related to leads and customers.

Implementing Pipedrive

The fact was that Proclaim, the CMS that was in use, wasn't sufficient. The client was missing several key business fields that made the data incomplete. So, the SoftwareSupp expert defined and expanded some basic sales opportunity fields in Pipedrive with additional customer-specific fields. 

There's more to it than that, but the goal was clear: Enable the agent to work with the customer proactively by filling in fields with real-time data. By doing so, the agent can gain knowledge and better understand the case. They can use the data in the next steps, such as creating documentation for the triager or preparing the legal retainer.

When it comes to collecting customer data, there were two ways to do it. The customer could provide the information themselves during the initial contact, or the agent could ask for it during the conversation. However, the forms weren't extensive. As a result, the client didn't have a complete set of customer data and had to ask additional questions on the next interaction. 

Now, our client can use the forms integrated with Pipedrive to ask the customer some details like name, phone number, email address, postal code, the best time to contact, services needed (HDR, TDC, EPA). All forms include information about the source and relevant branding. This makes it easier to see which services are most popular and to forecast workload.

We also created sales and marketing funnels for every service offered. For example, the sales funnel consists of steps, such as:

  • Lead Received
  • Contact Scheduled
  • Contact Made
    + 8 more

This brings transparency and improves workflow for sales and marketing departments. They can track the customer nurturing process and watch it grow.

Loading the claim and contact the lead

The customer was able to contact the client's agents through various communication channels. They could use a direct message through Facebook or a form on the website. So, the SoftwareSupp expert needed to refine the contact forms and add more fields to them.

Now, the customer can specify their needs in the contact form and ask for the right assistance. In this way, agents already have a set of information directly from the customer, and they can use them to analyze the case. In addition, when a customer submits a completed form, they immediately receive an automated confirmation. This ensures the customer that their case will be handled by the agent soon. Also, the agent has some work behind them without any additional effort.

The next step was to call the customer to determine the details of the case. At the time of completing the form, the customer can select the preferred method and time of contact. This is for the customer's comfort and to streamline the agent's workflow. The SoftwareSupp expert implemented a new tool, that's Kixie. Kixie is a power dialer designed to make an automated attempt to contact the customer. There are many advantages to such an automated cloud phone system, including the fact that:

  • It notifies the customer 15 minutes early of an upcoming contact request so that they can prepare.
  • It calls the customer at times of their choice.
  • If a customer answers the call, the system automatically connects them to an agent.
  • All information and events are continuously recorded in the Pipedrive system.

Implementing "Surveyor" triage

An integral part of running a litigation company is obtaining the triager's opinion. The triager needs to be familiar with all of the information to make the best possible decision about whether a case is viable. Our client wanted to make it easy to access information and photos so that the triager could easily review the case. We came up with an idea for such a process:

1. The agent provides the customer with a link connected to the CRM record

We needed to provide a feature that would allow customers to share photos and then associate those files with a specific sales opportunity in Pipedrive's CRM system. 

2. The triager gets an email with a link or shared folder

All customer data and photos are stored in Pipedrive. These are used to auto-complete the document viewed by the triager. More specifically, the fields in the document template are mapped to the fields in the sales opportunity in Pipedrive. 

3. The triager considers the information 

The triager can upload findings and other discovered information back into the CRM as another record in a given sales opportunity. 

4. The agent gets a notification about the update

When the triager adds new information, the agent is notified that some data and records have been updated and need action. 

Signing the legal retainer

The next step is to sign a legal retainer by the customer to agree on the contract terms for services.  

Here we introduced another system responsible for document workflow, and this is PandaDoc. PandaDoc is somehow connected to Pipedrive.


After that, the sales opportunity is moved to the next stage in the funnel in Pipedrive. And this triggers the process of moving the case into Proclaim case management system, including all the data collected in Pipedrive.

Sending record, data, and documents to Proclaim

If the lead is fully qualified, i.e., is at the  “Received" stage, then the record is exported from CRM and automatically created in Proclaim, including data, documents, and images.

As we mentioned in the beginning, Proclaim is considered the main information hub. The idea is that when any lead reaches out, it goes through the entire sales process. If the legal retainer is signed, it goes to Proclaim as a Won case with all the data collected. Then, the agent continues to work with the customer at Proclaim and manages the case and information in this system. 

Before our support, agents were manually completing data in the Proclaim system. It was laborious and time-consuming. Our task was to automate data collection, lead acquisition, and customer case flow between the Pipedrive (CRM) and Proclaim (CMS).

Effect: several dozens of hours saved on manual tasks in the client’s organization.

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written by

Patrick Cieśluk

Web Developer​,​ Marketing and Process Automation Freelancer at SoftwareSupport

For decades I step with information technology seeing the future of automatization and innovation. I have over 20 years of experience in Web Development​,​ Marketing​,​ Systems Integrations​,​ Business Processes Automation. From small one-person companies to big enterprises.

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