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5 interesting extensions for Pipedrive for B2B and B2C companies that will help you in your daily work

written by

Aleksander Dytko

Pipedrive CRM Freelancer at SoftwareSupport

Every entrepreneur or founder of a small or medium-sized company would like to efficiently and accurately develop offers for his clients. However, not everyone has knowledge about current solutions in CRM systems. These few simple steps will help you organize information about your customers. The list below is based on my experience in everyday work and working with my clients.

1. Linkmatch

When working with business clients (usually in B2B sales), we meet with the fact that a lot of information is currently on LinkedIn or Xing. If you want to find this information for our CRM, see the manually available information and selections in CRM - be it Pipedrive, Hubspot, Zoho or many more.This is where the LinkMatch tool comes in handy - to easily transfer data from our clients' profiles or prospects. After creating an account, just set which information should go to which fields in CRM and you're done! Now, by entering the profiles of an organization or people, we can see if a given person or company is added to our database, create it or update the relevant fields.

This is where the LinkMatch tool comes in handy - to easily transfer data from our clients' profiles or prospects. After creating an account, just set which information should go to which fields in CRM and you're done! Now, by entering the profiles of an organization or people, we can see if a given person or company is added to our database, create it or update the relevant fields.

From the tool directly on LinedIn or Xing, you can create a sales opportunity and plan activities - to minimize the time of switching between pages and quickly add information important to us.

2. Routerjet 

When the sales team consists of several people, the challenge of assigning leads to salespeople appears. To do this quickly and evenly, you might want to reach for a dedicated tool to "roulette", which is a mechanism for assigning salespeople to new sales opportunities.

When I was looking for such a tool a few weeks ago, I came across RouterJet - a tool for assigning appropriate sellers, based on the indicated criteria. Criteria can be tailored to the specifics of your business - salespeople can receive leads based on their value, geography or the time the opportunity was generated - it all depends on your team's setup.

In RouterJet, you can set SMS and email notification about assigning a deal, when we care about time, the system can change the chance every 14 minutes, until the person does not make contact, or assign them as part of the availability of our sellers.

The configuration itself is very simple - just log in via your Pipedrive account, set up users and rules for rewriting sales opportunities and you're ready to go.

3. SnapADDY

Do you know this feeling when you have to enter a whole stack of business cards into your CRM after a conference? Usually it has to be done manually by rewriting the contact details from the card into the system. In such cases, it is very easy to make a mistake, and this may result in a lost contact due to an error in the prescribed contact details.

I use Pipedrive on a daily basis which does not have OCR functionality built into the mobile app, so I looked for an external app for this purpose. After trying a few tools, I found the snapADDY application.

SnapADDY boasts the highest efficiency in text recognition, automatic duplicate checking when adding data to CRM, as well as the largest number of possible CRM systems to connect.

It only takes a few clicks to connect the application with your CRM system, set which fields in the system are to be filled with what data and it's ready! Just take a photo of the business card in the application and the contact will be saved to the database. No more piles of business cards after the fair!

4. Pipedrive Gmail add-on 

When an important element of your work is e-mail correspondence with clients and prospects, and additionally you use Pipedrive CRM, this add-on can be a great help.

Plugin to GMail i GSuite is very helpful in two main ways:
  • When you don't want to constantly switch between browser windows - between CRM and email - this add-on will help you identify the deal in Pipedrive related to the email thread you currently have open. Thanks to a quick look at the latest activities in Pipedrive and the information contained therein, it will be easier and faster to reply to an e-mail and plan further activities.
  • When there is no synchronization with Pipedrive in your Pipedrive package - thanks to this add-on you can forward the last messages to the deal in Pipedrive or send e-mails with the appropriate e-mail address in BCC - then the message will automatically be linked to the appropriate sales opportunity.

5. Leadfeeder

Have you ever wondered who visits your company's website?

In B2B sales based on, for example, Account Based Selling, it is worth knowing who visits our website, what subpages they go to and where they spend the most time. This is where LeadFeeder comes in handy:LeadFeeder is a tool that shows what companies visit your site, what the entry channel was and what they are interested in. When we combine this tool with the mailing system, we will also be able to track which people from a given company have entered our website.

The tool also includes a scoring module - to focus on the most valuable leads that we can track in real time.
LeadFeeder has native integration with Pipedrive, thanks to which you can track what our contractors are interested in sales opportunities - which gives us a lot of scope for up- and cross-selling.

As you can see, there are many aids, plugins and applications to facilitate your daily work with your customer base. It is worth following the latest information, because new ideas are created very quickly, in line with the emerging needs. I hope these 5 simple solutions will help you in a simpler and faster way to collect and manage the data of your current and future customers.

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written by

Aleksander Dytko

Pipedrive CRM Freelancer at SoftwareSupport

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