Michał Krawczykowski
Frontend development with Wordpress
Years of experience
4 years
Number of realized projects
50 projects
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10+ years of creating websites using themes and visual builders (Beaver Builder, Divi, Elementor) and 3+ years of building websites and shops "from scratch". Experience in HTML5, CSS, Javascript ES6+, Wordpress, Woocommerce and ACF Pro, basic experience in using Git, Webpack, Bootstrap grid, website design in Photoshop.
› Automated attendance system developed in Python which
verifies faces in real-time
› Updates attendance records stored in a relational database
› Provides fully functional user registration software trained on
user’s facial features
› Utilised for a research paper concerned with verifying the
success rate of the fusion of PCA and LDA algorithms
› Achieves 98% accuracy in recognising faces
› System allowing registered users to book activities with others
registered users resulting in efficiently organising and managing
their work
› Developed in JavaScript and split into frontend React framework
and backend NodeJS framework fully connected with each
› Benefits from Ant Design UI library with CSS formatting and
utilises the Koa framework
› Data stored in a relational database accessible by SQL through
the backend environment
› Benefits from the koa-router and secure koa-passport
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